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AGF Capital Partners Announces Launch of AGF NHC Tactical Alpha Fund to provide Canadian Investors with Expanded Access to Alternative Strategies

TORONTO, Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AGF Capital Partners, AGF Management Limited’s multi-boutique alternatives business with Affiliate Managers across both private assets and alternative strategies, today announced the launch of the AGF NHC Tactical Alpha Fund (“The Fund”). The Fund is an absolute return-oriented strategy that aims to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns across market regimes while maintaining low beta to traditional asset classes.

Managed by AGF Investments Inc., the Fund will invest substantially all of its assets in the New Holland Tactical Alpha Offshore Fund Ltd., a Cayman Islands exempted company, which in turn will invest substantially all of its assets in the New Holland Tactical Alpha Master Fund LP, a Cayman Islands exempted limited partnership, managed by New Holland Capital (“NHC”).

“The launch of this fund is the next step in our partnership with NHC as we continue to build and grow our alternatives business and diversify our capabilities,” said Ash Lawrence, Head of AGF Capital Partners. “NHC possesses decades of experience in absolute return investing, and we are excited to bring a product to accredited Canadian investors that provides access and exposure to their institutional caliber fund.”

The AGF NHC Tactical Alpha Fund allocates to a fund with a diverse range of alternative investment strategies within a risk-managed framework. The fund’s structure allows for more efficient use of capital and oversight of total portfolio positions and risk exposures.​

“Absolute return strategies can serve as an effective counterbalance to traditional asset classes in portfolios, helping to mitigate downside risk while maintaining participation in rising markets,” said Scott Radke, CEO and Co-CIO of New Holland Capital. “We look forward to leveraging our specialized focus in absolute return investing to deliver these potential benefits to accredited Canadian investors, whose portfolios we believe can benefit from greater access to diversification and uncorrelated investment strategies.”

“Alternative investments are poised to play an increasingly important role in investor portfolios given a volatile and potentially more muted outlook for public markets,” said Lawrence. “Bringing together AGF Capital Partners’ experience and resources with NHC’s expertise, we’re excited for the launch of this alternative investment product.”

In February 2024, AGF Management Limited announced a strategic investment in NHC as part of their strategy to continue growing AGF Capital Partners, AGF’s diversified alternatives business.

Learn more about the AGF NHC Tactical Alpha Fund.

About AGF Management Limited

Founded in 1957, AGF Management Limited (AGF) is an independent and globally diverse asset management firm. Our companies deliver excellence in investing in the public and private markets through three business lines: AGF Investments, AGF Capital Partners and AGF Private Wealth.

AGF brings a disciplined approach, focused on incorporating sound, responsible and sustainable corporate practices. The firm’s collective investment expertise, driven by its fundamental, quantitative and private investing capabilities, extends globally to a wide range of clients, from financial advisors and their clients to high-net worth and institutional investors including pension plans, corporate plans, sovereign wealth funds, endowments and foundations.

Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, AGF has investment operations and client servicing teams on the ground in North America and Europe. With nearly C$53 billion in total assets under management and fee-earning assets, AGF serves more than 800,000 investors. AGF trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol AGF.B.

About AGF Investments

AGF Investments is a group of wholly owned subsidiaries of AGF Management Limited, a Canadian reporting issuer. The subsidiaries included in AGF Investments are AGF Investments Inc. (AGFI), AGF Investments America Inc. (AGFA), AGF Investments LLC (AGFUS) and AGF International Advisors Company Limited (AGFIA). The term AGF Investments may refer to one or more of these subsidiaries or to all of them jointly. This term is used for convenience and does not precisely describe any of the separate companies, each of which manages its own affairs.

AGF Investments entities only provide investment advisory services or offers investment funds in the jurisdiction where such firm and/or product is registered or authorized to provide such services.

AGF Investments Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AGF Management Limited and conducts the management and advisory of mutual funds in Canada.

About AGF Capital Partners

AGF Capital Partners is AGF’s multi-boutique alternatives business with diverse capabilities across both private assets and alternative strategies. Clients benefit from the specialized investment expertise of Affiliate Managers combined with the organizational support and breadth of resources of AGF Management Limited (AGF). With over 18 years average experience, AGF Capital Partners Affiliate Managers’ Kensington Capital Partners Limited, New Holland Capital, LLC and SAF Group manage approximately C$13.5 billion in alternative AUM and fee earning assets on behalf of institutional and retail clients. Affiliate Manager AUM may not be consolidated into AGF Management Limited’s reported AUM. US AUM converted FX rate at December 31, 2024 (1.44).

The term ‘Affiliate Manager’ refers to any partner regardless of relationship structures or revenue sharing agreements. The form of AGF’s structured partnership interests in Affiliate Managers differs from Affiliate Manager to Affiliate Manager. The structure of the relationship with a particular Affiliate Manager, or the revenue that AGF agrees to share in, may change. Affiliate Managers only provide investment advisory services or offer products in the jurisdiction where such firm, individuals and/or product is registered or authorized to provide such services.

About New Holland Capital, LLC

New Holland Capital, LLC is an alternative investment manager that manages over US$6B in absolute return strategies for institutional clients. The firm seeks to generate alpha across a wide set of diversifying strategies, with a preference for niche, capacity constrained opportunities often with emerging portfolio managers. For more information visit


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Any securities referenced in this news release will only be offered and sold pursuant to a confidential offering memorandum in such Canadian jurisdictions where they may be lawfully offered for sale to eligible investors who qualify as “accredited investors” under applicable Canadian securities laws. In addition, any offer or sale of, or advice related to, any securities referenced in this news release will be made only by a dealer registered in the appropriate category or relying on an exemption from registration. No Canadian securities regulatory authority has reviewed or in any way passed upon the information contained in this news release or the merits of any securities referenced in this news release

This communication is not an offering of securities for sale in the United States. The Fund is being offered only to prospective Canadian accredited investors that are not “U.S. Persons” as such term is defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933.

® The “AGF” logo is a registered trademark of AGF Management Limited and used under licence.

Media Contact

AGF Management Limited

Amanda Marchment
Director, Corporate Communications
[email protected]

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